Being Chill in the Metaverse

Life on the internet evolves like most other things but November 18th, 2022, was different though. Marla Dukharan, a pioneer at heart and regional economist took us on a journey into Web3 of all places to present her thoughts on what to expect internationally and in the Caribbean in 2023. She did it in fine style too, and in all places, the METAVERSE. 

There were many different perspectives too: someone once said, “There are decades when nothing happens and there are weeks when decades happen.” This was one of those weeks. 

There were also thoughts expressed about Intellectual Property and how users can benefit. Shelly-Ann Mohammed, Head of ACCA in Latin America and the Caribbean reminded us that there are various forms of IP which exist in the Metaverse. For example, the logo, slogan, a melody of a song or even a trademark. Other examples may include graphic appearance, virtual goods that can be purchased, names of avatars and unique colours. 

Kirk-Anthony Hamilton took the position that “the progress of our economies is linked to our adoption of technology and more importantly, our moves towards becoming builders of technology.” 

While the Metaverse is a chill place to be, one must become familiar with teleporting, taking photos, delivering speeches, and literally exploring virtual spaces at the click of your mouse. The worse thing is to appear on stage while a speaker is making a presentation, as I did, while trying to navigate getting back to my seat. Mind you, the organizers had sessions that aimed at getting participants familiar with the platform…sigh. I took my encounter there as first steps because the Metaverse itself which forms a part of the Web3 experience is in growth mode.  

Things are happening quickly; we are all learning daily in this space. And there is so much that’s going on.  

This year’s theme: 2023 Economic outlook & Strategies for Growth was timely in many ways. David McWilliams took us on a journey into Europe and reminded us that history has a habit of repeating itself.  

Our current situation was here before, some 100 years ago and while we always need to put things into perspective, those who were there then got out of it, and we can get out of this now. But we can also learn from how Ireland sorted itself out. 

We were reminded about the importance of capital and asked what can we produce? As we aim to overcome the tyranny of our geography. How do you get rich? How do you attract CAPITAL and remain chill (as the Caribbean is known as a place to visit and chillout)? 

When one speaks about capital, consideration must also be given to human capital. Human capital takes into account how we prepare younger people for the future that they will inherit. That must also look at ways of earning from Intellectual Property. Surely, one could see the link between human capital and productivity as a driving force in the developing of a regional economy. But Diether W. Beuermann reminded us that we are falling behind. 

Another high point for me was Diether W. Beuermann’s presentation on what he called learning inequalities that persist throughout primary and secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago (Data was used from Trinidad and Tobago to support his findings). Beuermann’s study suggested that “policy evaluations based solely on test scores may be misleading about the welfare effects of school choice.” 

So, what that really seems to be suggesting is that as a region when it comes to human capital, we need to rethink our education policies. 

But before I close, I must mention that the group 3-Canal, a Rapso/musical entity from Trinidad and Tobago made their debut performance in the Metaverse. Their song: What’s Going On, was a fitting interjection to create a balance between the heavier matters of the economy and, well, being entertained.  

Music is used as a form of storytelling in Trinidad, so, to pop the question “What’s Going On?” in song was an effective way to bring closure to this event.  

What was clear throughout that conference was how the pandemic changed the way in which we can interact with each other. In an era of Climate change and climate emergencies, just think of the many ways that we can now reduce our carbon footprint and reduce unnecessary travel. That translates into less pollution, lower carbon emissions and perhaps an easier way to see the impact of climatic changes on certain regions. 

Web3 and the Metaverse are in some ways a type of third generation in the evolution of the Internet. The Metaverse, which seemed to develop out of Internet gaming, has delivered new options and opportunities for businesses and economic growth. The possibilities are limited only by our imagination as users. 

I welcome these opportunities and look forward to being chilled in the Metaverse.  Go on, explore it!

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My First Poll Block

Click on the poll block above to edit it directly in this post. Add a question, and multiple answers and even change the styling of the block using the sidebar controls. Add new poll blocks by searching for “poll” or type “/poll” in a new block.

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Creator of ‘Bad Drivers of Nova Scotia’ videos says aim is to make people drive safer — Global News

A Halifax man’s video series called Bad Drivers of Nova Scotia is garnering tens of thousands of views on YouTube. “Driving here is really dangerous,” Mike Smith, the Dalhousie University student behind the videos, said. His videos show near-misses and questionable driving decisions made by other motorists. The series can be viewed on his YouTube page (WARNING: the […]

via Creator of ‘Bad Drivers of Nova Scotia’ videos says aim is to make people drive safer — Global News


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The Runway’s flight of fancy


In mid-air flying over Antigua in April 2017, on my way to Jamaica. Little did I know then that this image would be used today for an article on aviation. PHOTO: Phillip J. Matheson

Runways make an interesting study. For me, they represented such strength as they have to withstand the weight and speed of massive air crafts, daily in most cases.
So, as anyone who ever flew on an airplane should guess, airports and the carrier ships leave nothing to chance.

And, as if by chance, recently, I came across a video on Facebook about a week ago that explained the numbers and other markings that would be seen on the runways at airports.

The details that I discovered about bearings also reminded me about my mathematics classes on bearings…I could now find relevance to them.

The International Civil Aviation Organization States that a runway is a defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and takeoff of air crafts.
Runways can be either man-made surface or natural. The man-made surface may consist of concrete or asphalt or a mixture of both, while the natural surface may be of grass, dirt, gravel, ice or salt.

The most fascinating bit about runways though is the markings that appear on them.
It’s those markings that determine their names. And it’s their names that ensure the safety of passengers in general when we arrive or depart our flights whether we take a business trip or a vacation.

For most people, such things may mean very little or nothing at all, but, for the pilots, and the other technical staff at the airport, an understanding of the systems involved is what creates impact to the beginning, or the end of a trip.

Allow me to illustrate using a simple example below.

Runways are named by a number between 01 and 36, which is normally the direction of the magnetic compass, usually heading in which the runway faces. It’s usually rounded to the nearest ten, with the ending zero dropped.

So a runway aligned along the 028 degrees magnetic bearing, will be known as “runway 03/21”. (Bearing 210 being the opposite direction to 030).
Aircraft take off and land best facing into the wind, so depending on the wind, the runway in use will be either “runway 03”, or “runway 21”, named for the direction in which the nose of the aircraft will be facing.

The numbers that appear on the surface of the runway is only one of the many layers of symbols that you see there.
For larger airports one will see the letters “L, C and R” and that’s because there are parallel paths.

There also exist a number of threshold markings, otherwise known as piano keys. They all have their functions.

What’s significant about all of these is their role played in maintaining levels of safety that’s humanly possible for captain, crew and passengers each time we fly.

So the next time you ride that aircraft don’t just notice those numbers or piano keys, but appreciate them for the role that they play in taking you to your destination.

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Estonia ranks 1st for tax competitiveness and 12th for ease of doing business

Estonia ranks 1st for tax competitiveness and 12th for ease of doing business

Shared from my Google feed

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So You Wrote a Children’s Book—What’s Next? – The Subversive Copy Editor Blog

Source: So You Wrote a Children’s Book—What’s Next? – The Subversive Copy Editor Blog

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Bookish Delights: Highlights of the Kingston Book Festival 2016

Petchary's Blog

Last week (March 5 – 12) was a delight. It was the Kingston Book Festival 2016. Spirited discussions took place. There were insightful information sessions, entrancing readings of poetry and prose…and the Kingston Book Fair, bright, noisy and fun. Throughout the week and at every event, there was busy networking, quiet sharing of ideas, mutual enjoyment of the world of books. Here are a few photos I took that I hope will capture a little bit of the week’s activities (in somewhat random order). You will find more photographs on the KBF Facebook page. In addition to these events, there were book donations to a children’s hospital ward, readings at correctional institutions and schools, a Christian book session, and a workshop for publishers and writers. Congratulations to Festival Chair Kellie Magnus and Book Industry Association of Jamaica Chair Latoya West-Blackwood. They worked incredibly hard and at a crazy pace at…

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With Privacy, you can create virtual debit cards to protect your online payments

Meet Privacy, a new startup with a confusing name but an interesting product. Privacy lets you generate virtual burner card every time you need to enter your..

Source: With Privacy, you can create virtual debit cards to protect your online payments

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